This website was started to collect the daily fanfics that I post on mastodon as I also wanted to play with static website generators and free web hosts, in an effort to build the minimum viable website. No images, No CSS, no JavaScript. Just lots and lots of text. As a blind person, I miss those days. Seeing as I'm just having fun with a self-indulgent project anyway, why not?

There's no comment forms here. Not keeping spammers out of a comment section is another thing I didn't want to deal with. If you want to comment on something, or suggest a fic to read, mention me on mastodon.

If you're curious, the static generator I'm using is Wyam. I just write my text in a markdown file, and then run a script to upload everything to neocities. It's so restful. I customized the basic blog template to contain the few things it was missing that I cared about, and I was ready to go.

I offer downloads of all the fics I link as plain text (.txt) files, in case they go away, and for those who just want to read without visiting one of the cluttered, ad-filled, generally awful fanfiction websites. The text file is the fanfic as it was on the day I linked it; I do not update old fics. Because, you know, that would be work. If you want your fic removed, contact me via Mastodon and I'll remove the text download and all links to and discussion of your fic both from here and my mastodon, and won't link to any future fics authored by you.